Upload Your Images

Select one or more images to process. Adjust the threshold method, tuning parameters, and sharpening parameters (for rembg) below, then click "Upload Images" to start.

Minimum area for detected contours. Increase if small noise is detected.
This text will be used in the output file name.
Select a method: Fixed uses a constant threshold; Otsu/Adaptive adjust automatically; rembg uses a neural network for background removal.
Tuning Parameters
Used with the Fixed method. Typical values range from 200 to 250.
Controls contrast enhancement. For very gray photos, try values between 2.0 and 4.0.
Defines the size of local regions for contrast enhancement.
Kernel size for morphological closing. Increase to fill larger gaps.
Number of times morphological closing is applied. Increase if gaps remain.
Sharpening Parameters (for rembg)
Radius for unsharp mask filter.
Percent for unsharp mask filter.
Threshold for unsharp mask filter.

Tip for very gray photos: Try increasing the CLAHE Clip Limit to around 3.0 or 4.0, and adjust the Morphological Kernel Size as needed.